When a person loses facial volume, they start to look older. The younger an individual is, the fuller their cheeks are. They have something that the cosmetic community refers to as the triangle of beauty. This triangle is formed with the cheeks making two sides and coming down to the point on the chin.
However, as a person gets older, that triangle of beauty turns upside down. They start to lose facial volume and the area around their mid-face becomes narrow and their jowls become wider.
For many women, a battle exists between maintaining a youthful and healthy body and maintaining facial volume. Many women will go to the gym and work hard to keep themselves in good shape and keep their body fat at a minimum. However, since they no longer have fat in their face, they look a lot older than they really are.
When a person starts to lose facial volume, their eyes look sunken. Their cheeks start to look hollow and their skin looks flimsy. When a person has a low body mass index, these negative characteristics are exacerbated. This is because when a person loses weight, the first place that it shows is the face. You start to lose the fat under your eyes, and then you start to lose the fat on your chin and down your cheeks. At the same time, gravity starts to work against you. The excess skin will sag because of the loss of facial volume.
Thankfully, there are cosmetic procedures available that allow you to choose to lose those extra 10 pounds and at the same time maintain your youthful appearance. These procedures are called dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are products that restore the volume in your face. The majority of dermal filler are derivatives of hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that naturally occurs in your body. It plays a role in your body’s ability to hold moisture. As you age, your body produces less of the substance. Dermal fillers give your body an injection of hyaluronic acid. This does two things. It gives you an immediate boost of facial volume, and it lays the groundwork to allow your body to maintain your facial volume for some time to come.
The aging process is not as big of a mystery as it was a few decades ago. For this reason, the medical community has been able to create amazing products like dermal fillers that have served as an effective weapon against aging.
Dr. Lee offers a wide variety of dermal fillers which can help restore the lost HA in your cheeks. Call to schedule your appointment and see which dermal filler is right for you.