When it comes to vein care, Dr. Lee has you covered. She personally performs each procedure. Dr. Lee wants to help you improve your quality of life by treating your spider vein issues. Take the first step toward a better, healthier, more attractive you by contacting Dr. Lee today.
Enter your location
Office location:
8315 Cantrell Road, Suite 130
Little Rock, AR 72227
Phone number to call for an appointment:
Hours of operations:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Emergency Needs
- During business hours: Call our office at 501.224.0880.
- After business hours: Dr. Lee may be reached at her mobile number listed on the aftercare instruction sheet for patients who received treatment.
- Extreme emergencies: Dial 911, or go directly to the emergency room at your hospital of choice.
Email Us
- To schedule or modify an appointment or inquire cost: newpatient@drmimilee.com
- To ask a medical question: medical@drmimilee.com
- Existing patient billing or insurance inquiries: businessoffice@drmimilee.com