When it comes to improving your appearance as you get older, there are a lot more options available today than there were in the past. And the options just keep getting better. In years past, a person may only have had the option to use surgical procedures to get rid of the wrinkles on their face. Nowadays, you can choose from a lot of non-surgical treatments that are safe, effective and quick. Restylane® is one of the most popular choices available today.
If you are unfamiliar with Restylane®, it is a dermal filler that uses a biodegradable form of hyaluronic acid. This allows patients who are injected with the product to correct facial wrinkles and folds. Since it is based on hyaluronic acid, you are receiving a substance that is already naturally produced by the body. However, this synthetic form of hyaluronic acid will moisturize your skin and allow it to have the most amount of volume possible.
As we just mentioned, dermal fillers are very quick. While treatment time will vary depending on the areas you would like to target, it should never take more than about 45 minutes.
Just as the treatment itself is quick, you will see the results right away. As an added benefit, since Restylane® injections are completely non-surgical and minimally invasive, most of our patients are able to get right back to their normal life. For the most part, there is either no or minimal downtime and recovery.
Restylane® is unique among dermal fillers in the sense that it can treat just about any skin issue you are having on your face, including lip lines, crow’s feet, smile lines and much more. Once your treatment begins to wear off, you can visit us again for touch-ups in the future if you decide that you like the way your face looks with fewer folds and wrinkles. Because Restylane® is based on hyaluronic acid, most patients don’t have to worry about allergic reactions or negative side effects.
Of course, the best way to find out if you are a candidate for Restylane® is to schedule a consultation with us at the office of Mimi Lee, M.D. Our trusted doctor can show you how this hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler can be used to treat folds and wrinkles on your face and give you a younger appearance. Contact our office in Little Rock today to schedule your consultation!