Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for spider veins. During the procedure, the medical professional will inject a special medication into the affected vein that will cause it to scar and collapse, while the patient’s blood is rerouted through healthy veins. Sclerotherapy can be purely cosmetic, or it can be used to treat symptoms associated with defective veins.
What Does Sclerotherapy Involve?
Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the comfort of our office. It generally does not require anesthesia. During the treatment, a special solution called Asclera is injected into the vein. It works by damaging the endothelium or the lining inside the walls of blood vessels. That damage causes platelets and cell debris to attach to the lining, which causes clots to develop within the vein. Eventually, the body reabsorbs the defective vein and send the blood through healthy and undamaged veins.
Some patients will need two or three treatment sessions to get the desired results. The results of sclerotherapy can last for a long time. While it does permanently destroy the targeted veins, it cannot prevent new veins from growing in the same place. Nor can it affect the genetic or hormonal influences that cause a patient to develop spider veins.
What is Asclera?
Asclera, a brand of polidocanol, is the prescription medication used in sclerotherapy. In most cases, the patient will receive multiple injections during a treatment session. The practitioner won’t need to use saline while injecting Asclera. Consequently, Asclera causes less discomfort than do other solutions.
Who is a Good Candidate?
The ideal candidate for sclerotherapy will have overall good health and realistic expectations. Get in touch with us at the office of Mimi Lee, MD in Little Rock to learn more about your candidacy for the treatment. Contact us today to book a consultation.