Spider veins can make a person look and feel a lot older than they really are. There was a time when there was very little that could be done to treat spider veins. Now, thanks to advances in medicine, there is a technique that has proven to be effective. This technique is called sclerotherapy.
During the sclerotherapy treatment procedure, our medical professional will inject the patient with a special solution. This solution will cause damage to the small, visible spider veins. As a result of this interlining damage, the veins will clot. Once the veins collapse, the body will absorb them, and eventually they are permanently removed from the body.
Spider veins happen because the blood pressure in the vein is low. This happens because of damage to the lining of the blood vessel, which usually causes the blood to move back to the heart under pressure. Additionally, the majority of the veins in the human body have valves that only let blood travel in one direction. However, if the valve is damaged, blood can flow backward into the blood vessel, causing it to swell and bulge. Sclerotherapy may be an effective way to treat these disorders as well.
As with any other medical procedure, some candidates are better than others. Prior to having the procedure performed, the medical professional in charge of the procedure will sit down with you and lay out all of the details of the treatment. It is good to have these details clear in mind, especially since sclerotherapy is primarily used as a way of treating cosmetic problems that do not pose any health risk.
Good candidates for sclerotherapy are individuals who have a venous insufficiency that cannot be controlled using compression stockings. Prior to the treatment, our medical professional can use an ultrasound technique to identify where the problematic blood vessels are. Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure. You are able to have the procedure done and go right home.
Spider veins are considered by most to be unsightly. They can affect a person’s self-esteem, making them embarrassed to show the part of their body that is affected by the veins to the public. Sclerotherapy is an effective way to remove your spider veins, giving a person the confidence they need to live a normal life. Visit Dr. Mimi Lee at her office in Little Rock to get more information about this procedure. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.