Venous insufficiency can lead to the development of conditions like spider veins that can impact your appearance. It happens when the blood does not flow through the vessels properly. The best way to detect it before it reaches the stage at which it seriously impacts your lifestyle is to visit our vein clinic for a vein screening.
The frequency at which you should visit a vein clinic will likely depend on your condition and risk factors. Our doctor is your best source of advice on how often you should schedule these visits. While the specific frequency may vary among individuals, a basic rule of thumb is that individuals with symptoms or risk factors should have a screening done every six months. Those without them should have their veins checked annually.
A vein screening is a non-invasive procedure that checks for signs of venous insufficiency, primarily in the legs. Through proper screening, you may be able to prevent more serious conditions from developing.
Spider veins are among the most common vascular conditions that develop in the legs. These veins form when the blood begins to pool inside them. This can happen because the valves that are there to keep the blood flowing in only the correct direction begin to fail. This will allow forces like the pull of gravity to impact the blood flow. Since the blood must be pumped against the gravitational pull for much of the time, the valves are critical for preventing a backwards flow between beats of the heart.
When the blood starts to pool inside the veins, it will put too much pressure against the vessel walls. As a result, the veins will start to enlarge and become prominent. Visible signs of the condition include large, blue streaks that appear under the surface of the skin. There can also be some bulging of the skin due to the enlarged condition of the veins. The bulging can resemble cords under the skin’s surface.
Spider veins develop in the smaller vessels or capillaries. While they seldom produce physical discomforts, they can have a negative impact on the appearance. They are common on the face as well as the legs, and they look like fine lines that are woven together under the skin. Spider veins can be red, blue or purple and can impact the appearance to the point of hurting a person’s self-esteem.
If you are noticing signs or symptoms of vascular problems, you should definitely schedule an appointment at Dr. Mimi Lee’s state-of-the-art vein clinic in Little Rock. You should also do so if you have not had a screening done previously or if it has been a while since your last one. You may find that doing so will save you some trouble by identifying and addressing any vascular issues before they reach the point of causing you problems. Contact us today to book an appointment!