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Dermapen Microneedling

You don’t need to schedule invasive treatments to get results; there is a way to improve your skin, address and correct skin imperfections, and achieve optimal skin health, and it’s completely natural. At the office of Mimi Lee, MD, in Little Rock, AR, we want to introduce you to dermapen microneedling, a treatment that helps stimulate the body’s collagen and elastin production so that you can reach all of your skin goals.

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Dermapen Microneedling?

Once you undergo this treatment, you can expect to notice some immediate positive changes in the appearance of your skin. However, your results will continue to develop and improve in the weeks following your initial treatment. Most patients continue to see an improvement in their appearance for up to six months post-treatment.

While you will see results after one treatment, following the recommended treatment plan will help you achieve the best and most dramatic results.
Additional treatments help your body produce more collagen and elastin in your treatment areas, which results in more dramatic improvements.

What Is Dermapen Microneedling?

Dermapen microneedling is a form of microneedling that uses an automated medical-grade device packed with tiny, hair-thin needles. These needles repetitively insert into the skin and create tiny microchannels on the skin’s surface. The body responds to this treatment as if it has been injured and, as a result, increases circulation in the treatment area. It also increases elastin and collagen production in the area to restore a youthful glow.

As the body ages, it begins to produce less elastin and collagen, two proteins that are essential for youthful skin. This treatment forces the body to increase collagen and elastin production, which can help improve different skin imperfections and concerns, including:


What Areas Can It Treat?

Microneedling treatments can address and correct many different areas of the body. The most common treatment area is the face, but microneedling is not limited to the face alone. It can also address skin issues and improve skin health on the:


How Many Treatments Will I Need?

While you will see an improvement in your skin after just one treatment, you will see the most benefit after a series of treatments. We typically recommend a regimen that includes three to six treatments with four to six weeks between each. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will review your goals and skin to create a treatment plan, including the number of treatments you should undergo to reach your skin goals.

What Are the Benefits?

Dermapen microneedling is a popular treatment because it uses the body’s natural powers to heal the skin and promote optimal skin health. It is a minimally invasive treatment that delivers results and has a number of surprising benefits, like the fact that it helps your skincare products absorb better so that they work better. Additionally, this treatment offers benefits that patients with all skin types can benefit from, including:


Microneedling Treatments

What to Expect

Once you undergo an initial consultation at our office and we confirm that you are a good candidate for this treatment, we will schedule your session. When you arrive, show up with clean skin, free of products or makeup. If you can’t show up with clean skin because you are coming from work or another appointment, our esthetician will clean your skin for you before beginning the treatment.

The Microneedling Process

Once your skin is clean, we will apply a topical numbing agent to your skin to help ensure your comfort during the treatment. Once the numbing agent takes effect, your esthetician will begin the microneedling treatment with the automated dermapen device.

The device will pass back and forth across your skin during the treatment, creating microchannels on the surface. Once the treatment area has been completely treated, soothing serums may be applied to help your skin begin to absorb some nutrient-rich products.

The Aftercare

There is minimal downtime associated with this treatment, but you will be asked to take some steps to ensure that you get the best results possible. You should avoid excess sun exposure and always wear sunscreen, regardless of the forecast. You should also avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours post-treatment and wait at least two days before applying topical retinoids. You should use moisturizers and hyaluronic acid several times a day to keep your skin hydrated.

Am I a Candidate?

If you want to improve your skin the natural way and target stubborn skin conditions that you just can’t seem to treat at home, you are most likely a good candidate for dermapen microneedling. Some patients will not qualify for this treatment due to safety reasons, including those with active acne or skin infections. Once your infection or acne subsides, you can safely undergo this treatment.

Experience All the Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling is an effective way to address your most stubborn skin concerns, improve your skin health, and restore youth to your skin in a completely natural way. Contact us today at the office of Mimi Lee, MD, in Little Rock, AR to schedule your initial consultation to find out if this treatment is right for you.

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