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How Long Does Dysport Last?


Dysport is an FDA-approved injectable muscle relaxant offered at the office of Mimi Lee, MD in Little Rock, AR. It is highly effective for the treatment of concerns caused by overactive muscles. We often have people come in inquiring about this treatment, so today, we’re going to answer some of the top questions we get about this treatment, including how long the results of treatment last.

How Long Does Dysport Last?

You can generally expect Dysport results to last for roughly three to six months. It is hard to predict accurately the longevity of your results because there are several factors that will impact this. For example, younger people tend to enjoy longer-lasting results because there is still plenty of collagen to volumize the skin and hide the muscles that are wrinkled beneath the surface.

Other factors that affect how long the results of treatment will last include the region of the face treated and the severity of the concerns treated. Typically, this injectable’s results last longer when weaker muscles are targeted. Additionally, people with mild or moderate cosmetic concerns tend to enjoy longer-lasting results than people with severe concerns.

Other Top Questions Answered

Is There Anything I Can Do to Extend the Longevity of My Treatment?

Yes, there are several things you can do to extend the longevity of your Dysport results. For example, you can enjoy the results of your treatment for longer if you protect your skin from UV damage. Sunscreen should be a part of your daily skincare routine, and you should ensure that the sunscreen you use is providing you with adequate protection. Moisturization should also be done daily to support the health of the collagen that keeps your skin taut and smooth. If you have dry skin, you should moisturize twice daily to keep your skin looking young for as long as possible.

Eating nutritiously will go a long way in extending how long you can enjoy your ideal results. Specifically, it is important that you get enough vitamin C, zinc, and essential amino acids in your diet. Hydration is also critical for the health and appearance of your skin. Furthermore, hydration is extremely important. You should aim to drink at least six to eight cups of hydrating fluids every day depending on your sex, activity level, and other factors.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?

You will most likely qualify for treatment with this injectable muscle relaxant if you are at least 18 years of age and have muscle-related concerns. It can be used to treat medical conditions caused by overactive muscles, but it is usually used to treat dynamic wrinkles, folds, and lines that cause one to look older than they really are. That said, you need to attend a consultation with an experienced, qualified physician to verify your candidacy for this treatment.

There are contraindications for this treatment, and we need to ensure that this treatment will be safe for you as well as effective. For example, you should not consider this treatment if you are allergic to bovine protein, and you may not be a good fit for this treatment if you have a history of anaphylaxis. Furthermore, this treatment may not be appropriate for you if you have developed keloid scars in the past.

How Should I Prepare for My Treatment Session?

If you think you could benefit from relaxing one or more of your facial muscles, the most important preparation step you can take is attending an initial consultation. During this initial consultation, we will advise you on all of the other steps you will need to take to prepare yourself for your injection session. Another very important preparation step to take is to not consume any blood-thinning drugs or supplements prior to your treatment session.

It is also very important that you don’t smoke or drink alcohol in the 24 hours leading up to your injection session. Moreover, you should avoid using any skincare products or getting any cosmetic treatments that may irritate your skin. Furthermore, you should not wear any cosmetics in the targeted areas when you come in for your appointment. If you do, we will have to remove them before your treatment can begin.

What Should I Expect During My Treatment Session?

You can expect your treatment session to be quick and painless. Treatment times vary based on many factors, but you can generally expect your session to take 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Before your session, we will inspect and sterilize the treatment area. Then, we will administer the optimal dose for your needs.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect your Dysport results to last for three to six months. However, there are several steps you can take to extend the longevity of your results, like staying hydrated, eating nutritiously, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen daily. If you have concerns caused by overactive muscles, contact us now at the office of Mimi Lee, MD in Little Rock, AR to schedule your initial consultation and find out if this treatment is right for you.

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